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Nice Guys

Why is it that “nice guys” are never really all that nice?

It’s a façade to get what they want.

And when what they want is that nice girl with the nice face,

The girl with piercing eyes and a wide smile.

It’s just a game to them.

How “nice” do they have to be

How much will “nice” buy them?

Will it get her into their car?

Or maybe them into hers.

What about her pants?

“Let’s just make-out”

What he means is

“Let me force you down on me”

What is it about “nice guys”?

They smile and joke.

Laugh and ask you about yourself

But why you?

What makes you the target?

It’s like I have the word “slut” stapled to my forehead.

Making me question who I am and what I’m doing wrong.

Like I’m the one propositioning in a darkened parking lot.

Why can’t I be the girl he wants to be friends with?

Or the one he takes for coffee?

Why am I the one he wants head from in a vacant lot?

But then again.

Is it wrong for me to give in?

Does that make me part of the problem?

Perpetuating the lust-filled stares across the driver’s seat.

Am I the one to blame?

In this game

Don’t want that kind of fame

Causing flames.

Which begs the question

Does anyone even want to get coffee anymore?

It’s just like waging war

Just to get him to walk me to the door

But not push himself inside.

Is it even really about what “type of girl” you are

Or is it just that you have the right parts.

To him you are just a combination of parts to serve him.

“Show me what those lips can really do.”


“Tell me more about you.”

“Show me what those lips can really do.”

“You seem like the kind to be a secret freak.”

A “freak” is how you made me feel.

“Show me what those lips can really do.”

As I press them hard against your lips so you don’t make me go any farther.

“Show me what those lips can really do.”

As you unzip your pants in my car.

“Show me what those lips can really do.”

And I say no. That I’m not comfortable.

“Show me what those lips can really do.”

Finally I take you home.

“Show me what those lips can really do.”

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